• Aktuelles
  • %3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%70%65%74%72%61%23%66%72%65%75%6e%64%65%73%6b%72%65%69%73%2d%73%75%65%64%61%66%72%69%6b%61%2c%64%65%22%20%74%69%74%6c%65%3d%22%70%65%74%72%61%40%66%72%65%75%6e%64%65%73%6b%72%65%69%73%2d%73%75%65%64%61%66%72%69%6b%61%2e%64%65%22%3e%3c%69%20%63%6c%61%73%73%3d%22%66%61%72%20%66%61%2d%65%6e%76%65%6c%6f%70%65%22%3e%3c%2f%69%3e%3c%2f%61%3e
Freundeskreis Südafrika Freundeskreis Südafrika


Hier können Schülerinnen und Schüler, Eltern, Gastfamilien und Lehrerinnen und Lehrer für uns und für andere eine Nachricht hinterlassen.

Pupils, parents, host families and teachers: Please leave a message for us and for others.

  ______     ___                 ___    
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Greatest 5 weeks of my life!

Hallo Mrs Petra Jacobi,

this is Ilze Rossouw from South Africa. I took part in the FSA Exchange this year in December. I just wanted to thank you for a lifetime opportunity! I can´t tell you enough how much fun I had with my guestfamily and their friends. It was sometimes hard trying to avoid missing my parents and brothers, but I got over it and had the greatest 5 weeks of my life! I would like to thank you for making this opportunity possible for me. I will never in my life forget the wonderful friendships I made this holiday, the best food I´ve ever tasted and of course the German language I´ve learned to speak. I can´t speak German fluently yet, but I will learn! I hope to return to Germany again after a few years, because I´m already missing the country and the wonderful friends I made! Es hat so viel Spass gemacht und mir wirklich gefallen!


Thank you!

Hi Petra, our daughter Anine just returned home after 5 wonderful weeks in your lovely clean fresh country!
She stayed with the Markusse in Bellerson, who looked after her as if she was there own child. We are so greatfull for that. She and her host sister Anna are friends for life now.
We want to thank you for your part in all this. You people do wonderful work for our children and it is much appreciated.
Ferdie and Sienta Bergh
Mossel Bay
South Africa

Home again

Hallo Petra!
Vielen Dank für alles, die 4 Wochen in Südafrika sind viel zu schnell vergangen und ich glaube jeder aus unserer Gruppe hätte noch länger bleiben können.
Ich hatte viel Spaß mit meiner Gastfamilie und wurde von allen super herzlich und freundlich aufgenommen.
In diesen 4 Wochen habe ich ein gefühltes halbes Leben in Südafrika verbracht, doch im Endeffekt war es viel zu kurz. Werde aber auf jeden Fall noch einmal hinfahren!

Danke für alles!


Schade, dass sie schon weg sind!!!

5 Wochen sind vorbei und ich bin echt traurig, das meine Gastschülerin mich am Montag verlassen hat. Es war echt eine wunderbare Zeit!!! Ich danke FSA dafür, dass alles so gut organisiert war. Ohne euch wäre das nicht möglich gewesen 5 Wochen mit einem englischen sprachigen Mädchen aus Südafrika zu verbringen und hierbei nach und nach eine andere Kultur kennenzulernen.
Ich hoffe ich sehe meine Gastschülerin bald wieder! HDMDL Trishelle! Bis dann!

Zurück in Deutschland

ich bin wieder zurück in Deutschland und würde so gern noch in Afrika sein. Ich habe die Zeit total genossen und auch im Buschcamp hatten wir jede menge Spaß. Afrika ist total interessant und die Menschen sind total nett und freundlich. Ich bereue nicht im geringsten die 4 Wochen gemacht zu haben aber eins muss ich sagen, 4 Wochen sind viel zu wenig, ich hätte noch 4 weitere Wochen bei meiner Gastfamilie bleiben können, aber ich bin ja noch einmal eingeladen und hab sie auch eingeladen.
viele Grüße Pauline


Hallo Petra,
vielen Dank für die lieben Wünsche , auch dir und dem ganzen FSA-Team wünsche ich alles Gute im neuen Jahr.
Natürlich bin ich oft noch mit meinen Gedanken in Südafrika, so eine tolle Zeit wird einem immer in Erinnerung bleiben! Ja, ich habe noch Kontakt mit meiner Gastfamilie, wenn auch nicht wirklich regelmäßig...wir planen ums mal bald wieder irgendwann zu besuchen, aber das ist ja auch immer eine Geld- und Zeitfrage.
Irgendwie ist es aber auch schwer lebhaft in Kontakt zu bleiben...man hat jetzt keine gemeinsamen Erlebnisse, die man teilen kann und nur in mails mitzuteilen, was man macht und wies einem geht, ist halt auch nicht dasselbe, wie als wenn man sichs wirklich erzählen könnte...es sind schließlich die gemeinsamen Erlebnisse, die uns miteinander verbunden haben und vor allem der unendlich große Spaß, den wir hatten...
also, es wäre schon mal schön, wenn es bald mal zu einem Wiedersehen kommen könnte...
liebe Grüße und beste Wünsche,
Nadja Haronska

Thank You

Hey all

I think most of you can relate when I say the time we had in Germany was one of the best experiences I will ever have in my life! Like most in life all good come with bad and there were times that were really difficult but in the end it was all worth it! I will mis my host family and forever think of what they have meant to me! I am a litlle sad to be leaving tomorrow but can´t wait to meet you al for the Swiss tour! Good luck with all the trains and trying to get everything in your bags! Petra thank you so much for the best host family ever! They are like my own family!

Hallo everybody!

For everyone whose not going to Switzerland, I hope that you enjoy your last weekend very much and make the most of it! For everyone who I wil be meeting up with tomorrow at Frankfurt, enjoy your last night at home! 😁 Can´t wait to go to Switzerland but I am also very sad to leave my family...😫

Thank you Petra for everything!!!!😀


Hey, I´m also switching trains at Hannover at 09:41 and Frankfurt Hbf at 12:10. ICE 73 and ICE 724. I hope to see you there. I´ll be wearing my black jacket and draging along 2 overlarge dark blue bags. There are 3 buttons on my bag, one clearly saying: I love chocolate. I hope thats enough detail for you to recognise me when you see me. Please send me some detail so that I can find you as well. I´m feeling a little stressed out about this train switching thing.
As 4 the Switserland packing, I´ve bought a bag just big enough to still pass as handluggage on the plane. That ought to hold enough for a few days in Switserland. 😁

don:t mind the grama mestakes.....lol lol lol😁 😁 😁 😁 😁


oh... and what about our laggage,what are we surpose to switzerland if we leave our lagage at the air port........this is very ugent... anybody with a solution...drop me a message. Please😉 😳 😁

3 days left in Germany !:(

3 months seemed like such a long time when I first departed for Germany... but only in the last few days do I relize how fast It has gone by.😔
I have seen ,done and learnt so much and I hope to never forget the wonderful experiences with my new family and friends.
The choice to come to Germany was probably the best choice I have ever made in my entire life.
I thank everyone who made this trip possable, my host family, my German friends and all the people at FSA, especially Lodie, Nicole and Petra, you guys are great!!! and for the support from my family in South Africa.
I only wish I could give my German family as much as they have given me. and I thank them for making my time in Germany a truly memorable experience!!

PS: A bit late but I wish Everybody in Germany and South Africa A HAPPY NEW YEAR! 😁

the trip to Frankfurt

Hey all the switz students...Is there anyone who is going to arrive in Frankfurt at 12:30, maybe we can meet up along the way, I am going to change my trains in, Delmenhorst, Hannover(9:41am)and Frankfurt (Main) Hbf at 12:10....If you are close to me, maybe we can meet up...drop me a message before fryday


Heya! I´m arriving at 11:16 at platform 6. Do you know where the meeting point is? Because I´m not really sure,maybe we should meet up before? Otherwise I´ll see you there..

the last few days

😉 Hay all of you here in De. i had an awesome time! all you switzerland guys uhm i am going to arrive on the airport at 10:06 platform 6 any one close to that? i would like some kompony please😁 see you soon enjoy your last few days at ´´home´´!!!!

Who would have thought...

I really dont know where to begin... Firstly... Hey Petra! Sorry that its taken so long for me to write but as you can guess Ive been SUPER busy with family Scneider... I was reading some of the messages in this guest book and I find it so starange how people can say that they have the best guest family... when they havnt even met MINE. Petra I couldnt thank you enough... after the unfortunate start I had here in Germany and the tough descisions I had to make I could never be more gratefull for this amazing experience you and the other fsa collegues have given me...

Family Schneider is without a doubt exactly as you told me, probably the best family you have. I cannot tell you how much I have grown and learnt with them and how thankful I am to be here. It really will be a sad event for me (and for them to I hope) having to leave them soon. I took Jens, Manuela and Elisa out for dinner tonight just to thank them for the most amazing three months of my life... And I cant believe that this time next week I will already be on my way home :(

Thank you so so so so much for this wonderful time. I dont have the words to tell you what this has meant to me (and what it has done to me as a person). I do hope that you continue to show our young south african scholars just how wonderful your country is... and how much they can learn from it.
I came here thinking I could teach all these people something, bring a little bit of South africa here to germany... but now I know that I recieved much more than I could have ever given, much more than I ever asked for, much more than I ever expected, maybe even more than I can handle... but it really wsas worth it in the end


FROHES NEUES!!!!!!!!!!!

😀 😎 😁 😴 😀 😊 😎 😳 😉 😳 😀 😎 😁 😁 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

new year awaits us

HEY!!!!!!!!!!!! evry 1.. a happy new year 2 u ol... i had my first minus 9° new year... must say twas gr8... hope u ol enjoyed urselfs and we only go 1 1/2 week 2 go... may diz new year bring u ol da best in germany nd @ home....PS: Petra we got ur email...hpy new year 2 u 2...😀

Happy New year

Happy New year everybody, May you have a Blessed and Awesome year.

Forhes Neues Jahr

Happy new years, may it be a great new year for everybody. Leave the past behind, forget about the future and live for the present.

Enjoy the party!!!!!!!!😉